Every one of us needs to move on. As the saying goes, “life must go on.” Some of us even have suicidal thoughts, but there must be one thing that keep us from doing it. It could be our family, or someone that we love. A lot of teenagers get depressed, just like one of my friends. She was only 12 years old and she had a lot of problems. They were caused by her family and school. I felt sorry for her. Sometimes I sit on my bed on a rainy day and ask myself, “what is the point of me living in this world?”, “why am I here?”, “does my friend like me?” I would repeat these questions in my head for hours and hours. But then I remembered my parents! My family! That is the reason for me to live. Besides that, everybody has their biggest fears. Do you know what is my biggest fear? My fear is being in a plane crash and also a monster might be hiding under my bed. Well, that is just my imagination. I want all of us, the young generation, to move on, go forward and never ever look back. There are a...
Celebrating brilliance at SMK Tabuan Jaya (Sarawak State Sports School)
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